树脂瓦最突出的特点是 |
添加时间:2018/3/15 16:19:11 浏览次数: |
树脂瓦最突出的特点是: The most prominent feature of the resin tile is: 1、色彩丰富并经久不褪; 1, rich in color and long lasting; 2、造型美观立体感强且符合中国建筑文化特色; 2. It has a strong stereoscopic impression and conforms to Chinese architectural culture. 3、质轻、防水、坚韧、保温、隔音; 3, light quality, waterproof, tough, heat insulation, sound insulation; 4、抗腐蚀、抗风防震、抗冰雹、抗污染; 4, anti-corrosion, wind resistance, anti hail, anti pollution; 5、绿色环保、防火、绝缘、安装简便等优点。 5, green environmental protection, fire protection, insulation, easy installation and other advantages. |
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