聚酯纤维面料 |
添加时间:2018/4/12 17:06:47 浏览次数: |
聚酯纤维面料由有机二元酸和二元醇缩聚而成的聚酯经纺丝所得的合成纤维。聚酯链研究报告指出:工业化大量生产的聚酯纤维是用聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯制成的,中国的商品名为涤纶。是当前合成纤维的第一大品种。 Synthetic fiber polyester fiber fabric by organic acid and diol which is prepared by spinning the. Polyester chain research report points out that industrialized production of polyester fiber is made from polyethylene terephthalate, and China's trade name is polyester fiber. It is the first major variety of synthetic fiber. 涤纶的比重为1.38;熔点255~260℃,在205℃时开始粘结,安全熨烫温度为135℃;吸湿度很低,仅为0.4%;长丝的断裂强度为4.5~5.5克/旦,短纤维为3.5~5.5克/旦;长丝的断裂伸长率为15~25%,短纤维为25~40%;高强型纤维强度可达7~8克/旦,伸长为7.5~12.5%。涤纶有优良的耐皱性、弹性和尺寸稳定性,有良好的电绝缘性能,耐日光,耐摩擦,不霉不蛀,有较好的耐化学试剂性能,能耐弱酸及弱碱。在室温下,有一定的耐稀强酸的能力,耐强碱性较差。涤纶的染色性能较差,一般须在高温或有载体存在的条件下用分散性染料染色。 The proportion of polyester is 1.38; the melting point is 255~260 degrees C and at 205 C, the safe ironing temperature is 135 C, the absorption humidity is very low, only 0.4%; the fracture strength of the filament is 4.5 to 5.5 grams per denier, the short fiber is 3.5 to 5.5 g / denier, the elongation of the filament is 15 to 25%, the short fiber is 25 ~ 40%, and the strength of the high strength fiber can reach 7~8 g / Dan and elongation. It is 7.5 to 12.5%. Polyester has good wrinkle resistance, elastic and dimensional stability, good electrical insulation, resistance to sunlight, friction resistance, no moldy moth, good chemical resistance, weak acid and weak alkali. At room temperature, it has a certain capacity of resisting strong acid and strong alkaline. Polyester dyestuff is poor. It must be dyed with disperse dyes at high temperature or with carrier. 涤纶具有许多优良的纺织性能和服用性能,用途广泛,可以纯纺织造,也可与棉、毛、丝、麻等天然纤维和其他化学纤维混纺交织,制成花色繁多、坚牢挺刮、易洗易干、免烫和洗可穿性能良好的仿毛、仿棉、仿丝、仿麻织物。涤纶织物适用于男女衬衫、外衣、儿童衣着、室内装饰织物和地毯等。由于涤纶具有良好的弹性和蓬松性,也可用作絮棉。在工业上高强度涤纶可用作轮胎帘子线、运输带、消防水管、缆绳、渔网等,也可用作电绝缘材料、耐酸过滤布和造纸毛毯等。用涤纶制作无纺织布可用于室内装饰物、地毯底布、医药工业用布、絮绒、衬里等。 Polyester has many excellent textile and wear properties. It can be made of pure textile and blended with natural fibers and other chemical fibers, such as cotton, wool, silk, hemp, and other chemical fibers. . Polyester fabric is suitable for men and women's shirts, Outerwear, children's clothing, interior decoration fabrics and carpets. Because the polyester has good elasticity and bulkiness, can also be used as a quilt. Industrial high strength polyester can be used as tire cord, transport belt, fire hose, cable, fishing net and so on. It can also be used as electrical insulation material, acid resistant filter cloth and paper blankets. With the production of non textile polyester cloth can be used for indoor decoration, Carpet cloth, industrial cloth, medical floc lining etc.. |
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