玻纤瓦特性 |
添加时间:2018/7/4 17:03:31 浏览次数: |
玻纤瓦特性 Characteristics of glass fiber tile 1.全天候性: 1. all-weather: 多彩玻纤瓦屋面可抵御光照、冷热、雨水和多种气候因素引起的侵蚀。 Multicoloured Fiberglass tile roofs can resist erosion caused by light, heat and cold, rain and various climatic factors. 2.保温隔热性: 2. heat insulation and heat insulation: 多彩玻纤维屋面的导热系数低,隔断了热量在夏天由外向内的传导。在冬天里向外的散失,从而保证了顶层住户的舒适安静生活。 The thermal conductivity of multicolor glass roof is low, and the heat is cut off from inside to outside in summer. In the winter, the loss of outer space ensures the comfortable and quiet life of the top tenants. 3.耐腐蚀性: 3. corrosion resistance: 多彩玻纤瓦屋面不会在恶劣气候环境的影响下出现锈蚀、花斑等现象。 The multicoloured glass tile roofs will not rust or flower spots under the influence of bad weather. 4.防尘自洁性: 4. dustproof self cleaning: 多彩玻纤瓦屋面不易积灰而形成明显的污斑,即使在长期雨季使用条件下也不会积留水渍,经过雨水冲刷会显得更加洁净明艳。 Colorful glass fiber tile roof is not easy to accumulate ash and form obvious stains. Even under the conditions of long rainy season, water stains will not be deposited, and the rain scour will be more clean and brightly colored. 5.防火性: 5. fire resistance: 多彩玻纤瓦屋面符合美国材料测试协会(ASTM)的防火标准(ASTME108)。多彩玻纤瓦屋面防火等级已达到美国A级防火标准。 Multicoloured Fiberglass tile roofs conform to the ASTM standards for fire protection (ASTME108). The fireproof grade of multicoloured glass tile roofs has reached the American class a fire protection standard. 6.防风性: 6. wind resistance: 符合保险业实验室(UC)和美国材料测试协会(ASTM)D3018一级,ASTMD3161一级,ASTM3462等项目检测,多彩玻纤瓦已在实验室通过了抗强台风等测试. In accordance with the insurance industry laboratory (UC) and the American Material Testing Association (ASTM) D3018 level, ASTMD3161 level, ASTM3462 and other projects, colourful glass fiber tiles have passed the test of anti strong typhoons in the laboratory. (在96公里/小时风速下) (under 96 km / h wind speed) 7.适用范围广: 7. the scope of application is wide: 由于多彩玻纤瓦的柔韧性,多彩玻纤瓦屋面适用于各种形状的建筑,如:弧形、圆形等屋面类型。 Because of the flexibility of multicoloured fiberglass tiles, the multicoloured Fiberglass tile roofing is suitable for all kinds of buildings, such as arc and circular roofing. |
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