合成树脂瓦 |
添加时间:2019/1/23 17:08:50 浏览次数: |
ASA&PVC/PMMA/ABS/PETG/pet/PPE/pap大力倡导国家与推广的新一代轻型环保建筑材料,产品环保、节能并可再生利用,其独特的性能优势赢得了建筑界人士的普遍关注与认可,产品市场甚为广阔。 其运用高新化学化工技术研制而成的新型建筑材料,具有重量轻、强度大、防水防潮、防腐阻燃、隔音隔热等多种优良特性,普遍适用于开发区平改坡、农贸市场、商场、住宅小区、新农村建设居民高档别墅、雨篷、遮阳篷、仿古建筑等。 ASA&www.omrongz.com.cnwww.westpump.com.cnwww.e-tour.com.cnwww.leierda88.cnwww.kskeber.cnwww.cclyw.cnPVC/PMMA/ABS/PETG/pet/PPE/pap vigorously advocates a new generation of light environmental protection building materials, which are environmentally friendly, energy-saving and renewable. Its unique performance advantages have won the general attention and recognition of the construction industry, and the product market is very broad. The new building materials developed by the high-tech chemical technology have many excellent characteristics, such as light weight, high strength, waterproof and moisture-proof, anti-corrosion and flame-retardant, sound insulation and heat insulation. They are widely used in the development zones, such as flat slope conversion, agricultural markets, shopping malls, residential districts, high-grade villas for new rural residents, awnings, awnings, antique buildings and so on. |
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