玻纤瓦 |
添加时间:2019/3/26 14:25:56 浏览次数: |
对产品和应用技术的不断研究和测试证明,多彩玻纤瓦屋面可抵御光照、冷热、雨水和冰冻等多种气候因素引起的侵蚀。 Continuous research and testing of products and application technology have proved that the roof of multi-color glass tile can resist the erosion caused by various climatic factors such as light, heat, rain and freezing. 多彩玻纤瓦经过防火等级测试,符合国家规定标准,达到A级标准。 The multi-colour glass fiber tile has passed the fire protection grade test, which meets the national standard and achieves the A standard. 多彩玻纤瓦除了用固定件固定外,其本身拥有特殊配方制作的自粘胶,当收到光和热的影响,到达有效温度时,它的自粘胶开始变的更有粘性,将两片瓦片牢牢地粘在一起,从而大大提高了抗风性,能使瓦片之间牢固粘合,形成一体,保证了屋面的整体性,可以抵御超过98km/h的超强风力,使瓦片不会被强风掀起,保证屋面不受影响。 In addition to fixing with fixtures, the multi-color glass tile itself has a special formula of self-adhesive. When it receives the influence of light and heat and reaches the effective temperature, its self-adhesive begins to become more viscous. The two tiles are firmly bonded together, which greatly improves the wind resistance, can make the tiles firmly bond together, form a whole, and ensure the integrity of the roof and can resist the wind. Super strong wind force over 98 km/h prevents tiles from being lifted by strong wind and ensures roofing not to be affected. 多彩玻纤瓦采用高温瓷烤颗粒,永不退色,并且屋面不会在酸雨等恶劣城市环境的影响下出现锈蚀、花斑、青苔等现象。 Multicolored glass tile is made of high-temperature ceramic particles, which will never fade, and the roof will not be corroded, speckled, moss and other phenomena under the influence of acid rain and other harsh urban environment. 多彩玻纤瓦采用的瓷烤颗粒经过防静电处理,屋面不易积灰而形成明显的污斑,即使在长期雨淋的条件下也不会积累水渍,经过雨水冲刷会显得更加洁净明艳。 After anti-static treatment of ceramic particles used in multi-color glass tile, the roof is not easy to accumulate ash and form obvious stains, even under long-term rain conditions, it will not accumulate water stains, and it will be more clean and bright after rain erosion. 多彩玻纤瓦本身具有很长的使用期限,从20年到50年不等。如果安装正确的话,多彩玻纤瓦屋面只需极少的维修甚至无需维修。 Multicolored glass tile itself has a long service life, ranging from 20 to 50 years. If installed correctly, the multi-color glass tile roof requires little or no maintenance. 多彩玻纤瓦使用屋面坡度从10°到90°,而且由于玻纤瓦的柔韧性,使得它能根据复杂的建筑外型灵活运用,可以铺成锥形、球型、弧形等特形屋顶,并能积极地充当屋脊、瓦脊、沿口、凹沟的串演角色。 Multicolored glass tile uses roof gradient from 10 to 90 degrees, and because of its flexibility, it can be flexibly used according to the complex architectural appearance, can be laid into conical, spherical, arc and other shaped roofs, and can actively play a series of roles of roof ridge, tile ridge, along the mouth and groove. 多彩玻纤瓦堆放简单,运输方便,破损率低。 Multicolored glass fiber tile is simple to stack, convenient to transport and low damage rate. 彩色天然矿石粒:主要作用是形成多彩玻纤瓦彩色外观装饰效果,并保护改性沥青免受阳光照射,使沥青不易老化,同时可以提供良好的防火性能,石粒主要为美国3M公司生产,它提供20年至40年的不褪色质保期。 shusongdaid.07858.net shusongdaie.07858.net shusongdaig.07858.netshiyanjii.07858.net juanlianji.07858.net falan.71ix.comColoured natural mineral particles: The main function is to form a colorful decorative effect of glass tile, and protect modified asphalt from sunlight, so that asphalt is not easy to aging, and can provide good fire resistance. Stone particles are mainly produced by 3M Company in the United States, which provides a 20-40 year non-fading quality guarantee. 改性防水沥青:能使多彩玻纤瓦全天厚,长时间抵御风雨侵蚀,在严寒酷暑中保持多彩瓦性能。 Modified waterproof asphalt: It can make the multi-color glass fiber tile thick all day, resist wind and rain erosion for a long time, and keep the multi-color tile performance in severe cold and heat. 玻璃纤维垫胎基:使多彩瓦有很好的强度,以适应全天候要求,并减轻产品运输,施工和使用时发生的损坏。 Fiberglass mat base: Make the multicolor tile have good strength to meet all-weather requirements, and reduce the damage of product transportation, construction and use. 美国ASTM标准:防火A级(最高级别) American ASTM Standard: Fire Protection Class A (the highest level) 防风96公里/小时(11级风) Windbreak 96 km/h (Category 11) 中国行业标准:GB/T20474-2006 China Industry Standard: GB/T 20474-2006 耐热度:85°±2° Heat resistance: 85 +2. |
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