多彩玻纤瓦融合多数的建筑风格 |
添加时间:2019/6/17 16:27:14 浏览次数: |
多彩玻纤瓦融合多数的建筑风格,它提供了一系列的色彩选择,以满足不同审美情趣的要求。多彩玻纤瓦的颜色可用来配合和衬托其它建筑材料的自然色,如砖或石墙,涂料和外墙挂的板等的颜色,从而使环境变得更加和谐美观。 Multicolored glass tile combines most architectural styles. It provides a series of color choices to meet the requirements of different aesthetic tastes. Colorful glass tile can be used to match and set off the natural colors of other building materials, such as bricks or stone walls, paints and panels hanging on exterior walls, so as to make the environment more harmonious and beautiful. |
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