农村盖房用哪种瓦最好? |
添加时间:2019/12/31 15:48:00 浏览次数: |
1、陶土瓦 1. Clay tile 陶瓦是以粘土为材料,加入粉碎的沉积页岩成分高温煅烧而成的。 Ceramic tile is made of clay, which is calcined at high temperature by adding crushed sedimentary shale. 优点:使用的年限长,承重力较好,在高端住宅和容易着火的地方被较多的使用。 Advantages: long service life, good bearing capacity, more used in high-end housing and places easy to catch fire. 缺点:瓦片易脱落、受损,而且具有一定的污染性。 Disadvantages: tiles are easy to fall off, damaged, and have a certain degree of pollution. 2、沥青瓦 2. Asphalt tile 沥青瓦主要材质为沥青,全称为玻纤胎沥青瓦,简称为玻纤瓦或者沥青瓦。 The main material of the asphalt tile is asphalt, full name is fiberglass asphalt tile, referred to as Fiberglass tile or asphalt tile for short. 优点:造型多样,装饰性比较强。 Advantages: various shapes and strong decoration. 缺点:容易老化,使用的年限比较短,阻燃性较差。 Disadvantages: easy to aging, short service life, poor flame retardancy. 3、水泥瓦 3. Cement tile 水泥瓦是按一定比例的水泥砂浆进行压模或滚压制作而成,其产品成份是水泥、砂及颜料。适用于民房,别墅和古建筑屋面。 Cement tile is made by pressing or rolling with a certain proportion of cement mortar, and its product composition is cement, sand and pigment. It is suitable for the roofs of houses, villas and ancient buildings. 优点:取材方便,承重力较好,搭接牢固,防水性能强,颜色丰富,造价也更为便宜。 Advantages: convenient material, good bearing capacity, firm lap joint, strong waterproof performance, rich color, and cheaper cost. 缺点:瓦片的重量比较大,容易破损。 Disadvantages: the weight of tiles is relatively large and easy to be damaged. 4、彩钢瓦 4. Color steel tile 彩钢瓦也称金属瓦、镀铝锌钢板瓦,它是由镀铝锌钢板压成瓦形,表面层可用彩色陶粒或进行烤漆处理。彩钢瓦适用于厂房,车棚,临时搭建房,活动板房等屋面。 Color steel tile is also called metal tile and aluminum zinc plated steel plate tile. It is made of aluminum zinc plated steel plate and pressed into tile shape. The surface layer can be treated with color ceramsite or paint. The color steel tile is suitable for the roof of workshop, car shed, temporary building, movable board room, etc. 优点:其特点是质轻,高档,牢固而且具有安全感。 Advantages: it is characterized by light weight, high-grade, firm and with a sense of security. 缺点:价格较高,容易腐烂,需要经常维护,使用年限属于比较短的。 Disadvantages: high price, easy to rot, frequent maintenance, short service life. 5、琉璃瓦 5. Glazed tile 琉璃瓦采用优质矿石原料,经过筛选粉碎,高压成型,高温烧制。 Glazed tile is made of high-quality ore materials, which are screened, crushed, high-pressure formed and fired at high temperature. 优点:此瓦防水性能好,颜色多样、款式丰富。可以降低噪音,不怕风吹日晒,承载力好,寿命非常长。而且价格较为便宜,性价比很高。 Advantages: this tile has good waterproof performance, various colors and rich styles. Can reduce noise, not afraid of wind and sun, good bearing capacity, very long life. Moreover, the price is relatively cheap and cost-effective. 缺点:做工较为复杂,容易破损脱落,而且会污染环境。 Disadvantages: the workmanship is complex, easy to damage and fall off, and will pollute the environment. 6、石棉瓦 6. Asbestos tile 石棉瓦是利用石棉纤维与水泥为原料经制板加压而成的。 Asbestos tile is made of asbestos fiber and cement by pressing. 优点:具有防火、防潮、防腐、耐寒、耐热、质轻的特点。 Advantages: it is fireproof, moisture-proof, anticorrosive, cold resistant, heat-resistant and light. 缺点:石棉瓦抗压能力较弱,具有一定的污染性,石棉纤维吸入人体会引起身体疾病,严重会致癌。 Disadvantages: asbestos tile is weak in compression resistance and has certain pollution. If asbestos fiber is inhaled into human body, it will cause disease and cancer. 7、合成树脂瓦 7. Synthetic resin tile 这种瓦是运用高新化学化工技术研制而成的新型建筑材料,也叫塑料瓦、PVC瓦、轻质瓦。普遍适用于商场、住宅、新农村民居屋面使用。 This kind of tile is a new building material developed by using high-tech chemical technology, also known as plastic tile, PVC tile and light tile. It is widely used in shopping malls, houses and new rural houses. 优点:颜色持久、质轻、防水防潮、阻燃隔热、隔音、耐腐蚀、抗风防震、抗冰雹、抗污、绿色环保、防火、绝缘、安装方便等。 Advantages: durable color, light weight, waterproof and moisture-proof, flame retardant and heat insulation, sound insulation, corrosion resistance, wind and shock resistance, hail resistance, pollution resistance, green environmental protection, fire prevention, insulation, easy installation, etc. 缺点:屋面容易褪色、老化,使用的年限比较短。 Disadvantages: the roof is easy to fade and age, and the service life is relatively short. 8、秸秆瓦 8. Straw shingle 秸秆瓦是由农村麦秆、稻草秆、杂草、玉米秆、花生壳、锯粉、煤灰、豆秆等加入聚酯和粘合物压制而成。它是新型建筑建材,受国家环保局、政府部门支持。 Straw tile is made of rural wheat straw, straw straw, weeds, corn straw, peanut shell, sawdust, coal ash, bean straw and other materials added with polyester and binder. It is a new building material, supported by the State Environmental Protection Bureau and government departments. 优点:可以任意裁剪,安装铺设简单。 Advantages: it can be cut at will and easy to install and lay. |
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