聚酯瓦的安装固定 |
添加时间:2020/7/11 15:26:43 浏览次数: |
聚酯瓦的安装固定 Installation and fixation of polyester tile ①屋面瓦和墙体板均使用防腐防水配件和自攻螺丝固定。 ① Roof tiles and wall panels are fixed with anti-corrosion and waterproof fittings and self tapping screws. ②每根檩条、每张瓦需均匀安装两套配件,配件应固定在波峰上,特殊情况时可固定在平面上。 ② Each purlin and tile shall be evenly installed with two sets of accessories, which shall be fixed on the wave crest or on the plane under special circumstances. ③瓦的纵向边缘处,每个波峰都要固定在檩条上,在风大地区每个波需要加固定配件。 ③ At the longitudinal edge of the tile, each wave crest should be fixed on the purlin. In the windy area, each wave needs to be fixed with accessories. ④墙体板安装时,在两张墙体板的搭接处,每两个檩条之间需要两个以上拉铆钉固定。 ④ When the wall plate is installed, more than two rivets are required to fix between two purlins at the lap joint of two wall plates. ⑤打自攻螺丝钉时注意松紧适度,不可过紧,以瓦不变形为标准,否则影响屋面平整度。 ⑤ When making self tapping screws, pay attention to the moderate tightness, not too tight, with the tile deformation as the standard, otherwise the roof flatness will be affected. ⑥木檩条使用专用木螺丝固定 ⑥ The wooden purlin is fixed with special wood screws |
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